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Tips For Efficient Holiday Packing


Make packing for your next holiday a breeze with these essential travel tips. From simple forward-planning advice to rolling your clothes, these helpful ideas will save you both time and space! We've also included our top 5 packing products to help you with your holiday planning.

holiday packing tips, suitcase packing tips, travel presents, travel blog


How many times have you arrived at your holiday spot and kicked yourself for not packing a certain item of clothing!? It may sound simple but a spot of research before you travel can make all the difference; 


1. Dress code - from cruise ships to formal restaurants in the USA, certain codes may have to be followed when it comes to dining etc. Throwing in that smart jacket may just be the answer!


2. Weather - the sun might be shining during the day at your holiday hotspot, but come evening it may get chilly. Pack a warmer layer for those al fresco evenings.


3. Baggage allowance - avoid costly excess baggage charges by double checking your limit before you fly. Packing luggage scales can also be helpful for the return journeys after holiday shopping!

holiday packing tips, suitcase packing tips, travel presents, travel blog


Holidays are designed to be relaxing and spontaneous affairs, but a little bit of forward-thinking can help with your packing.


1. Sports - hours on the tennis court or in the gym might not be top of your holiday list, but don't miss out if you fancy some exercise one afternoon by packing light sportswear.


2. Footwear - those pretty sparkly sandals might be great for the evening, but ensure you pack a comfortable pair for sightseeing etc in the day. Lighter flipflops are perfect for around the pool and won't weigh your suitcase down.


3. Do you really need nine dresses!? Plan your outfits in advance to ensure you don't pack unnecessary items (dinners, beachwear etc). How often do you return with piles of unworn clothes that you thought would be vital during the packing process!

holiday packing tips, suitcase packing tips, travel presents, travel blog


Rather than throwing all your holiday essentials in the case and squeezing it shut, these simple techniques will help maximise the space you have.


1. Rolling your clothes instead of folding is a super space-saving technique. Great for elasticated items and those made from materials such as viscose and polyester.


2. Place more delicate clothing at the top of the suitcase - unpacking can often take a backseat when you arrive at your holiday destination! By packing your delicate dresswear such as silk items at the top, you can whisk them out for hanging as soon as you arrive. It also means they won't get as crumpled during the journey.


3. Give your shoes some love! Keep them seperate from your clothing to ensure dirt isn't transferred by placing them in carrier bags. Make the most of the space within the shoe by stuffing them with smaller items or toiletries.


4. Pack extra carrier bags - if you're planning on picking up some holiday gifts (including the local tipple!), avoid spillages over your clothing by wrapping items up firmly and securely in carrier bags. Placing these in a further layer such as a towel provides added protection.



Top Suitcase Packing Essentials

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